Sunday, July 27, 2008

Reflections on Module 6

This was kind of an interesting week. One, I had a migraine that lasted about 2 days, so I was a little bit behind. Then, trying to determine what class I wanted to push online took a few days of soul searching. Finally, trying to create an adequate survey at to meet my requirement of 10 questions took some time (here's the link I think I'll be using with my 8th graders this fall).

I think trying to have the kids at GHCS work in a more online environment will be easier than my kids at the public school. However, I see the kids at the public school more. I hope that by converting some of the requirements to online that I will be able to get my 8th graders more involved with what's going on. Also, it will help the school meet the state requirement that all students must have an online learning experience by the end of 8th grade. I think I'll also have them use Google Docs as their resource when working online, then when we are ready to present, I will have them convert it to PowerPoint to make it easier to present in class.


Datta Kaur said...


I reviewed your survey and think that these questions will 'get' you the information you want. However, I suggest an introduction to the survey - before offering them the questions.

I also suggest that you 'play' with the 'look' of the survey to make it easier to absorb the questions - page graphics is very important to impressions of ease and usability.

Thanks. ~ Datta Kaur

Tom Stream said...

Datta Kaur,
I will be covering the info in class, but you're right. The kids often forget why they have to do what they're doing without a review, and a review, and a review.

Regarding graphics on surveymonkey: I can't add any "logo control" unless I actually purchase a membership. At this point, I won't be doing that. I may, however, try out some of the options I talk about in my post on 8/6.
