Sunday, March 22, 2009

EASy and Super3

I found it interesting to read and learn about the EASy way to create lesson plans. This is an advancement of Bloom's taxonomy, but in the format, students evaluate their resources to select the best, most appropriate information sources first, then create the new product.

Similar in theory to the Super 3 by Eisenberg and Berkowitz, which is designed for elementary students. This tool is broken into Plan, Do, and Review. You plan by determining your problem and identifying resource location (Evaluate). Then you locate the information you need and use it to learn and research (Analysis). Finally the student synthesize the information into a product. (Synthesize) But that's not all. The student then has the opportunity to evaluate and see if what they've created is what they wanted to. If it isn't this step allows the student to go back to any of the steps and restart the process all over again.

One of my challenges in facilitating peer feedback is trying to really develop questions that will allow other posters to continue the discussion in a thoughtful way. This, I sense, is a skill that many of my classmates are also working on.

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