Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Following Directions and Pet Peeves

While I don't believe I gained any new skills, I did have the opportunity to review for myself the importance of really reading directions very carefully. Over the years of practicing skimming and scanning and trying to teach those skills to students, I have ingrained them as well. So when I thought I was responding correctly, I wasn't really.

This will help me as an online facilitator because it will encourage me to read and review my directions ahead of presenting them to the class. Also, by saving my posting/directions in a draft form overnight should allow me to return to them with a fresh perspective and see if they make sense to just me or to everyone.

I was really glad to see in the directions for Module 2 that it will be encouraged to drop the whole posting that a person is responding to. Unfortunately, it doesn't just happen here. On most of the listservs I belong to people simply hit the reply button. It's not a HUGE problem when they are simply responding to a single post. It is a problem when they are responding to a digest version. THEN I get to scroll through the whole previous digest trying to find the next message. Grrrr.

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